Compare 1587 edition: 1 To thys Parliament reſorted dyuerſe of the Iriſhe Lordes, who ſubmytting themſel|ues to the Deputie hys mercy, returned peace|ably to their Countreyes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Iames Erle of Deſmond ſayled into Englande,Iames' Earle o [...] Deſmonde. and before the King and Coun|ſayle purged himſelfe of all ſuche Articles of treaſon, as were falſly layd to his charge, whoſe cleare purgation and humble ſubmiſſion the king accepted very gratefully.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after Deſmond his returne home|warde,Oneale Earle Tyron. the great Oneale was created Earle of Tyron, and his baſe ſonne Mathewe Oneale Baron of Dongaruan. For in thoſe days Iohn Oneale, commonly called Shane Oneale, the onely ſonne lawfully of his bodie begotten, was little or nothing eſteemed.