Compare 1587 edition: 1 After followed the Gentlemen and Yeomen of the Pale, that wyth as great manhood char|ged the enimies, as the enimies with courage reſiſted their aſſault.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this ſtouteneſſe were the enimies more boldly prickte, in that they had the aduauntage of the ſhore, and the gentlemen of the Pale were conſtrayned to bickre in the water.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the longer the Iriſh cõtinued, the more EEBO page image 108 they were diſaduauntaged, by reaſon that the Engliſh were ſo aſſiſted with freſh ſupplyes, as their enimies coulde not any longer withſtande them, but were compelled to beare backe, to forſake the bande, and to giue the armie free paſſage.