Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus ſolacing the ſiely mourners ſometyme with ſmiling, ſomtime with ſinging, ſometyme with graue & pithie Apophthegmes, he craued of the owner the name of the Barcke, who hauing anſwered, that it was called the Cow,The Cow. the gen|tleman ſore appalled thereat ſayd:
Compare 1587 edition: 1
Now good brethren I am in vtter diſpaire of our returne to Ireland, for I beare in mynde an olde prophecie, that fiue Earles brethren, ſhould be caryed in a Cowes bellie to England, EEBO page image 101 and from thence neuer to returne.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Whereat the reſt began a
freſh to houle and lament, which doubtleſſe was pitifull, to be hold fiue
valiant Gentlemen, that durſt meete in the fielde fiue as ſturdie Champions as
coulde bee picked out in a realme, to bee ſo ſodainly terri|fied with the bare
name of a woodden Cow, or to feare lyke Lions a ſilly Cocke his combe, be|ing
mooued, as commonly the whole Countrey is, with a vaine and fabulous old wiues
dream. But what blinde prophecie ſoeuer hee read or heard of any ſuperſtitious
Beldame touching a Cowe his belly, that which hee foretolde, them was found
1536 Thomas Fitz Girald and his vncles exe|cuted.