Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas hys courage by thys late ouer|throwe, ſomewhat cooled, and alſo beeyng aſ|ſuredly tolde, that a fleete was eſpyed a farre off, bearyng full ſayle towardes the coaſt of Irelande, hee was ſoone entreated, hauyng ſo manye irons in the fyre, to take egges for hys money: and wythall, hauyng no forrayne ſuccoure, eyther from Paulus tertius, or Charles the fyft, whyche dayly hee expected, hee was ſore quayled, beeyng of hymſelfe, though ſtrong in number of Souldyers, yet vnfurniſhed of ſufficiente munition and artillerie, to ſtande and wythſtande the Kyng hys army in a pitcht fielde, or a mayne battaile.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Vppon thys and other
conſiderations, to make as fayre weather as hee coulde, hee ſente Iames
Delahyde, Lime of the knocke,
Delahide. Lime. Bath. Trauerſe field.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Articles propounded by them to the Citizens, were theſe.The Articles propounded to the Citizens.