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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thomas vpon this determination,Thomas Fitz Girald inua|deth the Coũ|trey of Kil|kenny. being ac|companyed wyth O Neale, dyuers Scottes, Iames Delahide, his principall Counſayloure, Iohan Delahide, Edw. Fitz Girald his vncle, Sir Richarde Welſhe, perſon of Loughſewdy, Iohan Burnel of Balgriffen, Iames Gernon, Walter Walſh, Rob. Walſh, Maurice Walſh with a mayne army, inuaded the Earle of Oſ|ſorie, and the Lord Butler his landes, brenned & waſted ye Coũtrey of Kilkennie to Thomas [figure appears here on page 93] Towne, the poore inhabitants being conſtreined to ſhunne hys force, rather than to withſtande his power. Fitz Girald his approch towardes theſe confines bruted, the Earle of Oſſory, and his ſon the L. Butler, with all the Gentlemen of the Cuntrey of Kilkẽny, aſſembled neere Ie|ripõ, to determine what order they myght take, in withſtanding the inuaſion of the Rebelles. And as they were thus in parley, a Gentleman of ye Butlers accompanyed with ſixteene horſe|men, departed ſecretely from the Falckmote, and made towardes Thomas Fitz Girald and hys army, who was then ready to incamp himſelfe at Thomas Towne. Whẽ the challenger was eſcried, and the certayne number knowen, ſix|teene of Fitz Giralde his Horſemen dyd charge him, and preſently followed them ſeuen ſcore Horſemen, with two or three banners diſplaid, purſuing them, vntil they came to the hil, where all the Gentlemen were aſſembled, who beeyng ſo ſuddaynely taken, coulde not ſtand to bicker,The Earle of Oſsory fleeth. The Lorde Butler woun|ded. but ſome fledde this way, ſome that way, the Earle was ſcattered from his company, and the Lord Butler vnawares was hurte, whome when ſuche of the Rebelles knewe, as fauoured him, they purſued him, but coldly, and lette hym eſcape on Horſebacke, taking hys way to Downemore (neere Kilkennle) where hee lay at Chirurgerie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During the tyme that Thomas with his ar|my was ranſacking the Earle of Oſſory hys lands,Frances Her|bert returneth from England. Francis Herbert returned from Englãd to Dublin with the Kyng and Counſells let|ters to Maiſter Shillingforth then Maior,Shillingforth. and his breethren, with letters likewiſe to maiſter White the Conſtable, to withſtande (as theyr duetie of allegiance bound them) the trayterous practiſes of Thomas and hys complices, & that with al ſpeede they ſhould be ſuccoured vpon the ſight of theſe letters.Thomas Fitz Simons. M. Thomas Fitz Simons EEBO page image 94 Recorder of the Citie, a Gentleman that ſhe|wed himſelfe a politique and a cõfortable Coũ|ſayler in theſe troubles, paraphraſing the Kyng his gratious letters, with diuers good and ſound conſtructions, emboldned the Citizens to breake their new made league,No league to be kept with Traytors. which with no Traytor was to be kept.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Aldermen and communaltie, wyth thys pithie perſwaſion eaſily weighed,The Dublini|ans breake with Thomas Fitz Girald. gaue forthwith order, that the gates ſhould be ſhutte, their perculliſſes diſmounted, the Traitors that beſieged the Caſtell apprehended, flagges of defyance vpon their walles placed, and an opẽ breach of truce proclaymed. Field and his com|panyes (who did not all this while batter aught of the Caſtell, but only one hole that was bored through the gate with a pellet, which lighted in the mouth of a demy Canon, planted within the Caſtell) vnderſtanding that they were be|trayed, beganne to ſhrinke their heads, truſtyng more to their hecles than to their weapõs, ſome ranne one way,Field and his company taken. ſome another, diuers thoughte to haue bin houſed, and ſo to lurke in Lorelles denne, who where thruſt out by the head and ſhoulders: few of them ſwamme ouer the Liffy, ye greater number takẽ and empriſoned. Forth|with poſt vppon poſt rode to Thomas Fitz Gi|rald, who then was rifling the Countrey of Kilkenny, certifying him that all was marde, the fat was in the fire, he brought an olde houſe about his owne cares, the Paltockes of Dublin kept not touche with him, the engliſh army was ready to bee ſhipt, Herbert with the Kyng hys letters returned, now it ſtoode him vpon to ſhew himſelfe a man or a mouſe.

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