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3.6. ¶ Henrie the ſixt.

¶ Henrie the ſixt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 LIeutenants to Henrie the ſixt ouer the realme of Irelande were theſe, Edmonde Earle of March, and Iames Erle of Ormond his deputy. Iohn Sutton Lord Dudley, & ſir Tho. Strange knight his deputie. Sir Thomas Stanley, and ſir Chriſtofer Plunket his deputie.Henry. Marle [...] [Thys ſir Thomas Stanley, on Michaelmaſſe day,Here endeth Marleburgh, and all that fo|loweth is ta|ken out of Campion. in the twelfth yeare of King Henrye the ſixth, wyth all the Knightes of Methe and Irrell, fought agaynſte the Iriſhe, ſlue a greate number, and tooke Neill Odonell priſoner.]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 73Lion Lord Welles, & the Earle of Ormonde his deputie. Iames Earle of Ormonde by hym ſelfe, Iohn Erle of Shreweſburie, and the Arch|biſhop of Dublin Lorde Iuſtice in his abſence. Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke, father to King Edwarde the fourth and Earle of Vlſter, had the office of Lieutenaunte by the Kings let|ters patents, during the tearme of tenne yeeres, who appoynted to rule vnder him as his deputies at ſundry times, the Baron of Deluin, Richarde Fitz Euſtace Knight, Iames Earle of Ormõd, and Thomas Fitz Morice Erle of Kildare. To this Richard Duke of Yorke and Vlſter then re|ſident in Dublin,Campion out of the Records of Chriſts Church. George Duke of Clarence borne at Du|blin. Iacke Cade. was borne within the Caſtell there his ſecõd ſonne the Lord George, that was after Duke of Clarence: his Godfathers at the fonteſtone were the Erles of Ormond and Diſ|monde. Whether the commotion of Iacke Cade an Iriſhman borne, naming himſelf Mortimer, and ſo pretending coſinage to diuers noble hou|ſes in this land, proceeded from ſome intelligẽce, with the Dukes friends here in Ireland, it is vn|certayne: but ſurely the Duke was vehemently ſuſpected, and immediately after began the trou|bles whiche through him were reyſed. Whyche broyles being couched for a time, the Duke helde himſelfe in Ireland, being lately by Parliamente ordeyned protector of the Realme of Englande: he left his agent in the Court, his brother ye Erle of Saliſburie, Lord Chancellor, to whom he de|clared the troth of the troubles then towarde in Ireland: which letter exemplyfyed by Sir Hen|ry Sidney Lorde Deputie, a greate ſearcher and preſeruer of antiquities, as it came to Campions hands, and by hym ſet downe, we haue thoughte good likewiſe to preſent it here to your viewe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


To the right worſhipfull, and with all mine hart, intierly beloued brother, the Earle of Salisburie. The copie of a letter.

RIght Worſhipfull, and with all my harte, intierly beloued brother, I recommende me vnto you as hartily as I can.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And like it you to witte, ſith I wrote laſt vnto the King our So|ueraigne Lorde his highneſſe, the Iriſh enemie, yt is to ſay Magoghigam, and with him three or foure Iriſhe Captaynes, aſſociate with a greate felowſhip of Engliſh Rebells, notwithſtandyng that they were within the King our Soueraygne Lord his peace of greate malice, and againſte all truth haue maligned againſt their legiance, and vengeably haue brent a great towne of myne in|heritance in Meth, called Ramore, and other vil|lages thereaboutes, and murthered and brẽt both men, womẽ and children, withouten mercy: the whiche enimies be yet aſſembled in Woods and fortes, aweighting to do the hurt and greeuance to the Kings ſubiects, that they can thinke or i|magine. For whiche cauſe, I write at this tyme vnto the Kings highneſſe, and beſeeche his good Grace for to haſten my payment for this lande, [...]rding vnto his letters of warrant nowe late directed vnto the Treaſorer of Englande, to the intente I may wage men in ſufficiente number, for to reſiſt the malice of the ſame enimies, and puniſh them in ſuch wiſe, that other which wolde do the ſame for lacke of reſiſtance, in time maye take example. For doubtleſſe, but if my paymente be had in all haſt, for to haue men of warre in de|fence and ſafegard of this land, my power cãnot ſtretch to keepe it in the [...]ings obeyſance, and ve|ry neceſſitie will compell me to come into Eng|land to liue there vpon my poore liuelyhood: for I had leuer be dead than any inconuenience [...]oulde fall therevnto in my default: for it ſhall neuer bee chronicled nor remayne in Scripture by ye grace of God, that Ireland was loſt by my negligẽce. And therefore I beſeeche you right Worſhipfull brother, that you will holde to your handes in|ſtantly, that my paymente may bee had at thys time in eſchewing all inconueniences. For I haue example in other places, (more pitie it is) for to dread ſhame, and for to acquit my troth vnto the Kings highneſſe as my duetie is. And thys I pray and exhort you good brother, to ſhewe vnto his good grace, and that you will be ſo good, that this language may bee enacted at this preſente Parliamẽt for mine excuſe in time to come,Roger Roe. and that you will be good to my ſeruant Roger Roe the bearer of theſe, and to my other ſeruaunts, in ſuch things as they ſhall purſew vnto the kings highneſſe, and to giue full faith and credence vnto the report of the ſaid Roger, touching the ſayde matters. Right worſhipful, and with all my hart intierly beloued brother, our bleſſed Lorde God preſerue and keepe you in all honor, proſperous eſtate, and felicitie, and graunte you righte good life & long.

Your faithfull true brother Richarde Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of ſuche power was Magoghigam in thoſe dayes, who as he wan and kept it by the ſworde,Magoghigam his power. ſo nowe his ſucceſſors in that ſtate liue but as meane Captaines, yeelding their win [...]gs to ye ſtronger. This is the miſerie of lawleſſe people, reſembling the rudeneſſe of the rude world, wher|in euery mã was richer and poorer than other, as he was in might & violence more or leſſe enabled. Here began factions of the nobilitie in Irelande, fauoring diuers ſides that ſtroue for the Crowne of England. For the Duke of Yorke in thoſe ten yeeres of his gouernemente, exceedingly wanne the hartes of the noblemen and Gentlemen of that land, of the whiche diuers were ſlayne with EEBO page image 74 him at Wakefielde, as the contrary part was the next yeere by his ſonne Edward Erle of Marche at Mortimers Croſſe in Wales. In which mean time the Iriſhe grewe hardy, and vſurped the Engliſhe countreys inſufficiently defended, as they had done by like oportunitie in the latter end of Richard the ſecond. Theſe two ſeaſons ſet thẽ ſo a flote, yt hẽceforward they could neuer be caſt out from their forcible poſſeſſions, holding by playne wrong all Vlſter, and by certayne Iriſhe tenures no ſmall portions of Monſter and Con|nagh, leaſt in Meth and Leyniſter, where the ci|uill ſubiects of the Engliſhe bloud did euer moſt preuayle.

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