Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yere, Iohn de Verdon departed this world, and Thomas de Clare, married ye daugh|ter of Morice Fitz Morice.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere following, Robert Vffort was appointed to ſupply ye roomth of Genuille, being called home, and ſo was this Vffort the ſeconde time ordeyned Lord Iuſtice of Irelande. He ha| [...]ing occaſion to paſſe into Englande, made hys ſubſtitute Fulborne Biſhop of Waterford til his returne, and then reſumed the gouernemente into his owne handes agayne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1277. Thomas de Clare ſlewe Obrencoth King of Tholethmo [...],1277 and yet af|ter this, the Iriſh cloſed him vp in [...] wha [...] to|gither with Maurice Fitz Maurice, ſo that they g [...]e hoſtages to eſcape, and the Caſtell of Ro|ſcoman was wonne.