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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere .1241.1241 Walter Lacy Lorde of Meth departed this life in Englande, he left two daughters behinde hym that were hys heires, Margaret maried to the Lord Verdon,The Lorde Verdon. Geffrey Gẽne|uille. and Ma|thild wife to Geffrey Genneuille. King Henry in the .xxxvj. yeere of his raigne, gaue to Edward his eldeſt ſonne, Gaſcoigne, Irelande,1252 and the county of Cheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere following,1253 Hugh Lacy Earle of Vlſter departed this life, & was buried at Crag|fergus, in the Church of the Friers Minors, lea|uing a daughter behind him, that was his heire, whome Walter de Burgh or Bourke married, and in right of hir, was created Earle of Vlſter, as after ſhall appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Morice Fitz Gerald Lord Iuſtice of Ireland, being requeſted by this Prince to come and aſſiſt him with a power of men againſte the Welche Rebels, left a ſufficiente garriſon of menne in the Caſtell of Scligath, which he had lately builded,The Caſtell of Scligath. and then came ouer with Phelin Ochonher, and a luſty bande of Souldiers, and meeting the Prince at Chepſtow, behaued themſelues ſo va|liantly, that returning with victory, they great|ly encreaſed the fauoure of the Kyng and Prince towardes them: and vppon theyr returne in|to Irelande, they ioyned with Cormacke Mack Dermote Mack Rori, and made a notable iour|ney againſte Odonil the Iriſhe enimie,Odonil. that EEBO page image 45 when Lacie was once dead, inuaded and ſore a|noyed the Kings ſubiectes of Vlſter. Odonil be|ing vanquiſhed, the Lord Iuſtice forced pledges and tribute of Oneale to keepe the Kings peace, and diuers other exploytes prayſeworthy dyd he, during the time of his gouernement, as Flatſbe|rie hath gathered in his notes, for the Lorde Ge|rald, Fitz Gerald, Earle of Kildare in the yeere 1517.Iohn Fitz Geffrey Lorde Iuſtice. Alayne de la Z [...]uch Lorde Iuſtice. Stephan de long Eſpee. After Morice, Fitz Gerald ſucceeded in of|fice of Lord Iuſtice, Iohn Fitz Geffrey Knight, and after him Alayne de la Zouch, whome [...]he Earle of Surrey Fitz Warren ſlew. And after de la Zouch, in the yeere .1258. being the .42. of Henry the third his raigne, was Stephan de lõg Eſpee ſent to ſupply that roome, who ſlew Oneil with .352. of his men in the ſtreetes of Do [...]ne, & ſhortly after departed this life, then Williã Dene was made Lorde Iuſtice,

William Dene Lord Iuſtice. Greene Caſtel deſtroyed. Mac Carey.


Sir Richarde Capell Lorde iuſtice.

& Greene Caſtell was deſtroyed. Alſo Mac Carey played the Deuill in Deſmonde.

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