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Somewhat before this preſente ſeaſon it chaunced, that Adrian, the fourth of that name, then Pope of Rome, an Engliſhman borne,Adrian the fourth Biſhop of Rome an Engliſhman borne. in the towne of Saint Albous, who before time had bin ſente into Norway, to inſtruct that lande in the Chriſtian religion, where he learned perfectly the ſtate of Ireland, & how that although Chriſt was there taught and beleeued, yet the multitude being a furious and ſauage generation, were gro|wen to ſuche a licentious and ſhamefull kinde of libertie, making no accounte of the neceſſarie pointes of doctrine, more than ſerued their ſenſu|all and wilfull luſtes, that it was greatly to bee doubted, leaſt they would at length vtterly aban|don Chriſtianitie, and giue themſelues ouer to a beaſtly order of liuing, nothing agreeable with the lawes and rites of other people that profeſſed Chriſtes Religion.

Hereto Henry the ſecond,Henry the ſe|cond of that name King of England. preſuming vpon the Popes fauour, that was his borne ſubiect in the very firſt yeere of his raigne, had ſente Ambaſſa|dors to Rome for licence, to attempt the conqueſt of Irelande. Pope Adrian wiſhing that a refor|mation of the abuſes in that people might be had, granted his Bull for proofe of his conſent to king Henries requeſt, which Alexander that ſucceeded him confirmed and ratifyed with like conditions as his predeceſſor Adrian had giuẽ forth ye ſame.

Now when Dermote was come in the nicke to further by occaſion this enterpriſe thus preten|ded by Henry aforehand,The offer of Dermucius to king Henry hee preſented his com|plaint, profering the intereſt of his Crowne, with condition hee mighte be reſtored to ſome parte of his lands.See more here in England.

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