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Compare 1587 edition: 1 To the Monarke beſides hys allowance of Dominion, titles of honor, and other priuileges in iuriſdiction, there was graunted to him a ne|gatiue in nomination of Biſhops when they were vacant:The power of the Monarke in election of Biſhops. for the Cleargie and laitie of the di|oces commended one, whome they thought con|ueniente vnto their King, the King to the Mo|narke, the Monarke to the Archbiſhop of Can|terbury: for that as yet the Metropolitanes of Ireland had not receyued their paſſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſorte was nominated to the Biſhop|rike of Dublin then voyde, in the yeere of Chriſt 1074.Goderius king of Leyniſter. at the petition of Goderius King of Ley|niſter by ſufferance of the Cleargie and people there,Terdienatus the Monarke. Patricius con|ſecrated Bi|ſhop of Du|blin by Lan|franke. with the aſſente of Terdienatus the Monarke, a learned Prelate called Patricius, whome Lanfranke of Canterbury conſecrated in Paules Churche at London, and ſware hym to obedience after the manner of his aunce|ſtors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Chriſtian Biſhop of Liſmore legate to En|genius the thirde,


Chriſtan Bi|ſhop of Liſ|more.

Foure Metro|politane Seas in Irelande.

ſummoned a prouinciall coun|cell in Irelande, wherein were authoriſed foure Metropolitane Seas, Ardmach, Dublin, Caſſel, and Tuen, of the whiche places were Biſhops at that preſente, Gaelatius, Gregorius, Donatus, Edonius,The Biſhop of Ardmach. for hitherto though they yeelded a pri|macie to the Biſhop of Ardmach in reuerence of Saint Patricke the firſte Biſhop there, yet the ſame was but of good will, and confirmed rather by cuſtome than by ſufficient decree, neyther dyd that Archbiſhop take vppon him to inueſt other Biſhops, but ſente them to Canterbury (as be|fore is mentioned) whiche from hencefoorth they vſed not to doe, [figure appears here on page 20] in ſomuche, that the nexte Biſhop named Laurẽce,Laurence Archbiſhop of Saint Keuins. ſometime Arch|biſhop of Sainte Keuins in Go|lãdilah, was or|dered & inſtalled at home by Ge|laſius Primate of Ardmach.1162

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