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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But where this tale bewrayeth it ſelfe too mani|feſtly to be a mere vntruth, if the time & other cir|cũſtances be throughly examined, I wil not ſtãd longer about the proofe or diſproufe therof, ſauing that it is ſufficient (as I thinke) to bring it oute of credite, to conſider, how that the Arte of ſay|ling was vnknowne to the world before the vni|uerſall floud, and no parte inhabited excepte the continent of Syria, and thereaboutes.Rab. Iſaac in Gene .5. But to paſſe ſuch a forged fable, with the recorde thereof grauen in a ſtone (A deuiſe borowed from Ioſe|phus, as ſome thinke) it ſhal be ſufficient for the glorie of the Iriſh antiquitie to graunt that Ire|lande was diſcouered and peopled by ſome of Noes kinrede, euen with the firſt Ilandes of the world (if they will needes haue it ſo, as the like|lyhood is great) according to that whiche is ſette foorth in their hiſtories, when aboute .300.Anno mundi. 1557. After the beſte authours make 300. yeres. and not .100. be|tvvene Noes floud and Ba|bell. yeeres after the generall Floud immediately vpon the confuſion of toungs, Iaphet and his poſteritie enboldened by Noes example, aduentured to cõ|mitie themſelues by ſhippe to paſſe the ſeas, and to ſearche out the vnknowne corners of ye world, and ſo finding out diuers yles in theſe weſt parts of the worlde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was (ſaye they) in that retinue one of the ſame progenie named Bartolenus,Bartolenus, or Baſtolenus. Clem. lib. 4. Cambreid. li. 3. or Ba|ſtolenus, who encouraged with the late attempte and ſucceſſe of Nimrod, kinſeman to Nimus, (then newely intruded vppon the Monarchie of Aſſyria) ſerched ſo farre weſt, intending to atteyn vnto ſome gouernement where hee mighte rule EEBO page image 2 without any partener in authoritie) till at length Fortune broughte him and his people vppon the coaſt of Irelande. Here he ſettled himſelfe with his three ſonnes, Languinna, Salamis, and Ru|thurgus, right actiue and ſtout Gentlemen, who ſearching the lande from ſyde to ſyde, and from ende to ende, lefte remembraunces of their na|mes in certayn notable places named after them as Languini, Stragrnus, and mount Salanga ſince named Sainte Dominickes hill, and Ru|thurgus his poole.Ruthurgi ſtag|num. Little is remembred of Bar|tolenus, ſauing that in ſhorte ſpace with ma|ny handes working at once, he ridde and made playne a great part of the countrey ouergrowen with wooddes and thickets.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ireland [...]oſt inhabited.Thus was Irelande inhabited by this peo|ple vnder the gouernemente of thoſe three ſonnes of Bartholenus and their ofſpryng, aboute the ſpace of three hundred yeares.

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