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  • DAcres Lorde, VVarden of VVeſt Marches of En|gland. 433.37
  • Dayſie concubine to King Iames the third.
  • Dalkeith Caſtell. 458.31
  • Danes and Norvvegians come to aide the Scottes and Picts. 53.38
  • Danes arriue in Scotland. 188.3
  • Danes apparrell and vveapons. 188. 95
  • Danes ioyne in battayle vvith the Scottes. 189.9
  • Danes vanquished and putte to flight. 189.15
  • Danes giue the onſet vppon the Scottes. 190.42
  • Danes put the Scottes to flighte. 190. 51
  • Danes baptiſed remayne in En|gland. 200.19
  • Danes diſcomfited by the English+men. 201.35
  • Danes and Scottes enter into the English confines. 201.67
  • Danes putte to flighte by the En|glishmen. 203.15
  • Danes paſſe ouer into Irelande. 203. 23
  • Danes procure aide out of Nor|vvay againſte the Englishmen. 204. 74
  • Danes vanquished and chaſed by the Englishmẽ & Scots. 204.104
  • Danes vanquished and ſlayne by the Scottes. 205
  • Danes arriue vvith a great armye at Brayes, or Read head in An|gus. 214.61
  • Danes put to flight by the Scottes and chaſed. 216.62
  • Danes conclude peace vvith the Englishmen vppon conditions. 222. 114
  • Danes putte the Englishmenne to flight. 228.72
  • Danes appointed to lie in euerye English housholders houſe. 229. line. 62
  • Danish Lieutenãts arriue in Scot|lande vvith a nevve ſupplye of men. 230.42
  • Danes ſlay the Scottishe Her|raldes. 230.73
  • Danes put the Scottes to flighte. 231. 60
  • Danes breake theyr promiſed faith. 232.1
  • Danes ſende for their vviues and children into Denmarke, and Norvvay. 232.16
  • Danes and Scottes one afraide of another. 232.30
  • Danes arriue vvyth an armye at Redbrayes in Scotlande. 233.66
  • Danes vvith Camus their Captain ouerthrovven and ſlaine by the Scottes. 234.79
  • Danes ſlayne at Abirlemnõ. 235.8
  • Danes bones yet to be ſeene. 235. 28. & .235. 71
  • Danes ſlayne that came to ſacke Buchquhane. 235.67
  • Danes foyled in fighte by the Scottes. 236.56
  • Danes and Scottes conclude a peace. 236.67
  • Danes ouerthrovv the Scottes at Culros. 242.15
  • Danes ouercome vvyth drinke, fall aſleepe. 242.70
  • Danes ſlayne vvithout reſiſtance. 242. 86
  • Danes arriue at Kingcorne vvyth a nevv povver. 243.15
  • Danes vanquished and chaſed by Makbeth and Banquho. 243. line. 22
  • Danes buried at Sainte Colmes Inch. 243.29
  • Danes and Scottes conclude a peace. 242.33
  • Danish fleete brent. 56.29
  • Danſvvinton Caſtell. 473.44
  • Danishe nobilitie flee into Ber|vvike. 193.18
  • Danes in Bervvike deliuered to the Scottes and ſlaine. 193.25
  • Danes put to flighte and chaſed. 193. 69
  • Dardan made K. of Scottes. 45.62
  • Dardan falleth into all kynde of vices. 46.11
  • Dardan beheaded. 46.35
  • Darcy Arthure Knighte ſente to the borders. 441.82
  • Dury George made Abbotte of Dunfermeling. 445.82
  • Darcie Anthony a French knighte commeth into Scotland to ſeeke feares of armes. 413.89
  • Dauid brother to King Alexan|der, marrieth Maude daughter to VVoldofius or VValtheof Earle of Huntington and Nor|thumberland. 262.10 [...]
  • Dauid made Earle of Hunting|ton and Northumberland. 262. line. 108
  • Dauid the firſte created Kyng of Scotland. 263.50
  • Dauids too muche liberalitie to the Church reproued. 264.40
  • Dauid a ſore 8. for the Crovvne. 264. 64
  • Dauid inuadeth Northumberland vvith an army. 266.5
  • Dauid falleth ſicke. 267.106
  • Dauid dyeth. 268.4
  • Dauids life, an example of godlye EEBO page image 562 liuing. 268.36
  • Dauid Earle of Huntington ap|pointed gouernour of Scotland. 274. 66
  • Dauid Earle of Huntington goeth foorthe vvith King Richard of Englãd tovvard the holy land. 278. 29
  • Dauid driuen by a tempeſt to the coaſtes of Aegypt, and there ta|ken priſoner. 278.78
  • Dauids daungerous aduentures in his returning home. 278.84
  • Dauid buildeth a Church in honor of the virgin Mary. 278.110
  • Dauid Erle of Huntington dyeth. 283. 67
  • Dauid ſeconde ſonne to Alexan|der the thirde dieth. 2 [...]5.41
  • Dauid the ſecond crovvned king of Scotland. 330.45
  • Dauid and hys vvife flee into Fraunce. 334.73
  • Dauid entreth into Englãd vvith a mightie army. 350.24
  • Dauids dreame concerning Sainte Curbertslands. 350.69
  • Dauid taken priſoner, and his ar|my vanquished. 351.32
  • Dauid and his vvife returne into Scotland. 348.8
  • Dauid inuadeth Northumberland vvith an army. 348.83
  • Dauid ſundrye tymes inuadeth the frontiers of Englande. 349.7. & 24. 37
  • Dauid refuſeth Englishmens large offers for peace. 349.53
  • Dauid ranſomed, departeth home into Scotland. 354.48
  • Dauid marrieth Margaret, daugh|ter to Sir Iohn Logy Knyghte. 355. 14
  • Dauids Tovver in Edenburgh builded. 355.39
  • Dauid dyeth. 355.45
  • Dauid eldeſt ſonne to Robert the thirde created Duke of Roth|ſay. 366.1
  • Dauid Duke of Rothſay furni|shed to death. 368.53
  • Davvkith Caſtell vvonne by the Englishmen. 474.31
  • Death of Roberte Corncorſe By|shoppe of Roſſe. 464.49
  • Deathe of VVilliam Stevvarde Byshoppe of Aberden. 464.53
  • Deathe is a due debte that muſt needes be payde. 267.2 [...]
  • Death ſeene dauncing. 2 [...]7.83
  • Devve vppon Iames the fourths tente of bloudy coulour. 421.28
  • Deuiſe to drovvne the Caſtell of Lochleuin. 340.1
  • Dearth and great death in Scot|land. 387. [...]
  • Dearthe through Englande and Scotlande. 347.50
  • Dearthe of corne in Scotlande. 279. 67
  • Dearth in Scotlande for vvant of tillage. 314.20
  • Dearth and greate death in Scot|land. 345.39
  • Dearth in England and Scotland. 289. 20
  • Declaration of the iuſt cauſes of the vvarre, moued by K. Hen|ry the eyght of England, againſt King Iames the fifth of Scot|land. 447.37
  • Deſperate practiſe of inhabitants of the Ile to drovvne the Ro|mane shippes. 54.5
  • Deglaſton in Britaine. 140.103
  • Dead to bee buried according to their ſubſtance. 181.103
  • Deſſe Monſieur a frẽch Captaine. 477.11. fortifieth Iedvvorth in Scotlande. 477.13. beſiegeth the Caſtell of Fernihurſt, and taketh it. 477.30. taketh the Caſtell of Cornevvall. 477.64. maketh a roade into Englande. 477.86. is forced by the Englishmenne to flee from Iedvvorth. 477.114
  • Diana Goddeſſe of Huntyng. 12. 96
  • Didius, looke Aulus Didius.
  • Dinnune Caſtell. 463.6
  • Diocletianus Emperour. 77.52
  • Dionethus ſonne to Octauius, ſometime King of Britaine, fea|red. 100.53
  • Dionethus ioyneth vvyth the Scottes and Pictes agaynſte the Romanes. 100.86
  • Dionethus proclaymed Kyng of Britayne. 101.2
  • Dionethus eſcapeth into VVales. 102. 20
  • Dionethus reputed ſecond perſon of the Realme of Brytayne. 102. 76
  • Dion Caſsius cited. 32.46
  • Dirtin rayde, or durtie roade. 375. 80
  • Diſcommodities of ciuill diſſen|tion. 222.84
  • Diſagreemente among VVriters of the place vvhere S. Colme dyed. 142.1
  • Diſagreemente of VVriters con|cerning the Martirs of the Ile of May. 188.39
  • Diſorder of King Edvvardes ar|my agaynſte Kyng Roberte. 315. 81
  • Diſorder in Scotlande during the minoritie of Iames the fifthe. 423. 73
  • Diſſention betvveene the Scottes and Irishmen. 4.101
  • Diſſention betvveene King Iohn of England, and the Pope. 281.32
  • Diſſention betvveene King Iohn of Englãd and hys Barons. 282.3
  • Diſſention betvveene King Hen|ry the third of England, and hys Nobles. 285.114
  • Diſſention betvveene the Earles of Angus and Arrane. 430.13
  • Diſſention betvveene the Earle of Angus, and the Lord of Fer|nihurſt. 430.65
  • Diſſention and the cauſe thereof betvveene King Roberte, and George Erle of March. 366.90
  • Diſſentiõ betvveene the inhabi|tãts of Angus & Mernes. 217.67
  • Diſobedience in the Scottish no|bilitie punished. 304.25
  • Diſcommodities vvhich inſue the Princes minoritie. 11.15
  • Diuers opinions for the impriſo|ning of the Earle of Angus and the Lord Maxvvell. 460.114
  • Diuers heads, diuers opiniõs. 8.57
  • Diuels den, or blacke den. 1 [...]0.58
  • Donalus gouernour of Brigantia conſpireth agaynſte Nothatus. 14. 32
  • Donalus army put to flight tvvice in one day. 15.28
  • Donalus ſlayne in fight. 15.46
  • Donald dyeth. 73.29
  • Donall brother to Finnanus. 25.60
  • Donald made King of Scots. 71.1
  • Donald conuerted to the Chriſti|an faith. 72.103
  • Donald firſte cauſed gold and ſyl|uer to be coyned in Scotlande. 73. 18
  • Donalde a Gentleman of the Iles rebelleth. 76.55
  • Donalde of the Iles is drovvned. 76. 74
  • Donalde ſonne of Donalde of the Iles rebelleth. 77.2
  • Donalde offereth to yeelde hym|ſelfe vpon certayne conditions 77. 16
  • Donaldes deuice to murther King Findocke. 77.24
  • Donalde third ſonne to Athirco, choſen King. 77.90
  • Donald of the Iles inuadeth Scot|land. 78.1
  • Donalde of the Iles aſſayleth the Kings camp. 78.18
  • Donalde the King and hys armye vanquished. 78.34
  • Donald the Kyng dyeth. 78.39
  • Donalde of the Iles taketh vppon him to be King. 78.44
  • Donalde of the Iles beloued of fevve. 78.76
  • Donalde of the Iles murthered. 78. 78
  • Donalde of the Iles kinſfolke put to death. 79.46
  • Donald gouernour of Atholl con|ſpireth to murther Conran the King. 131.53
  • Donalde of the Iles maynteyneth robbers and ſpoylers. 155.57
  • Donalde of the Iles and his com|places apprehended and put to death. 155.100
  • Donald brother to Kenneth, cho|ſen King of Scotland. 182.55
  • Donald liueth in all diſſoluteneſſe. 182. 63
  • Donalde putteth Osbert Kyng of Northumberlãd and his people to flight. 183
  • Donalde and his nobilitie taken. 184. 3
  • Donalde and his noble men reſto|red to libertie. 185.96
  • Donalde committed to priſon. 186. 58
  • Donald flayeth hymſelfe. 186.60
  • Donalde the firſt, created King of Scotland. 199.63
  • Donalde ſendeth ayde to the En|glishmenne againſte the Danes. 200. 5
  • Donald appeaſeth a commotion in Murrey lande. 200.40
  • Donald dyeth. 200.52
  • Donalde of the Iles diſcomfited vvith his armye by Edvvarde Bruce. 313.113
  • Donalde of the Iles rebelleth a|gainſte the Gouernour of Scot|land. 373.4
  • Donald of the Iles ſubdueth Ros. 373. 6
  • Donald of the Iles ſubmitteth him+ſelfe. 373.53
  • Donald Lord of the Iles rebelleth vvyth the Dovvglaſſes. 394.40
  • Dongard created King of Scottes. 109. 99
  • Dongardes diligence in peace to prouide for vvarres. 110.3
  • Dongardes bounteous liberalitie tovvardes the Churchemenne. 110. 20
  • Dongard flayne. 111.18
  • Dongall a noble man of Gallo|vvay. 111.83
  • Dongall ſonne to Dongarde pro|claymed King of Scottes. 112.21
  • Dongals policie in gouerning hys Realme. 112.32
  • Dongall inueſted Kyng of Scot|land. 167.91
  • Dongall apprehendeth the Re|belles that vvere vp agaynſte hym, and executeth them. 168. line. 40
  • Dongall cauſeth open vvarre a|gainſte the Pictes. 169.79
  • Dongall drovvned in the riuer of Spey. 169.98
  • Donvvald inueſted King of Scot|land. 146.33
  • Donvvalde maketh meanes that Eufrede is reſtored to hys fa|thers kingdome. 146.66
  • Donvvald drovvned. 147.3
  • Donvvald Lieutenant of the Ca|ſtell of Fores. 207.11
  • Donvvalde conceyueth vnquen|cheable hatred agaynſte Duffe. 207. 87
  • Donvvaldes deepe diſsimulation cõcerning Duffes murther. 208. line. 89
  • Donvvaldes giltie conſcience en|forceth hym to flee. 209.50
  • Donvvald taken priſoner. 209.95
  • Donvvald vvith hys confederates executed. 210
  • Doruadille King of Scottes. 13.19
  • Doruadille makes a league vvyth the Britaynes. 13.2 [...]
  • Doruadille confirmeth the aunti|ente alliance vvyth the Pictes. 13. 26
  • Doruadille ſet all his delite in hũ|ting. 13.29
  • Doruadille eſtablisheth nevve lavves. 13.68
  • Doruadille dyeth. 14.16
  • Dovvglas Iames fleeth to kyng Robert to ayde hym. 313.16
  • Dovvglaſſes vvhat cauſed them to riſe to great honor. 313.37
  • Dovvglas Iames choſen to goe vvith king Roberts heart to Ie|ruſalem. 329.99
  • Dovvglaſſes vvhy they beare the bloudye hearte in theyr armes. 329. 104
  • Dovvglas Iames ſerueth in Ara|gon againſte the Sarazens. 330. line. 20
  • Dovvglas Iames ſlaine by the Sa|razens. 330. [...]9
  • Dovvglas Archembalde choſen gouernour in place of Andrevv Murray. 337.6
  • Dovvglas VVilliam knight ran|ſomed out of England. 342.54
  • Dovvglas VVilliam ſlayeth [...]re hundred Englishmen at Eden|burgh. 346. [...]5
  • Dovvglas VVilliam created Erle Dovvglas. 350. [...]
  • Dovvglas VVilliam knight flain. 352. 37
  • Dovvglas Archembald taken pri|ſoner by the Englishmen eſca|peth vvyth a ſmall raunſome. 354. 7
  • Dovvglaſſes hovve they come to the Earledome of Murrey. 356. line. 66
  • Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas entreth Northumberlande vvith an army. 360. [...]9
  • Dovvglas VVilliã marrieth Giles daughter to K. Roberte. 361.37
  • Dovvglas VVilliam paſſeth ouer into Irelande vvith a povver. 361. 66
  • Dovvglas VVilliam choſen Ad|mirall of a nauie to goe againſte the people in the Northeaſt partes. 365.38
  • Dovvglas VVilliam ſlayne. 365. line. 5 [...]
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas dyeth. 367.45
  • Dovvglas the grimme. 367.5 [...]
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas inuadeth Englande vvith an army. 369.14
  • Dovvglas Archimbald taken pri|ſoner, and hys armye ſlayne at Homildon by the Englishmen. 369. 48
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde aideth the Percies at Shrevvſburie fielde. 370. 11
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde taken priſoner at Shrevvſburie field. 370. 29
  • Dovvglas Archimbald releaſſed, returneth into Scotlande. 372. line. 97
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas impriſoned, and ſet at libertie. 380.3
  • Dovvglas VVilliam Erle of An|gus EEBO page image 562 ouerthrovveth Henry Per|cie and his armie at Piperden. 383. 58
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Dovvglas dyeth. 386.68
  • Dovvglas VVilliam yong Earle Dovvglas made Duke of Tou|raine. 386.105
  • Dovvglas VVilliam, Earle of Dovvglas beheaded. 387.53
  • Dovvglas Iames baron of Abir|corne dieth. 387.59
  • Dovvglas Hugh Erle of Ormond general of an armie agaynſt the Englishmen. 389.64
  • Dovvglas Hugh ouerthrovveth the Englishmen, and taketh ma|ny priſoners. 390.58
  • Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas, vvith many other nobles of Scotland trauaile in|to Italy. 391.22
  • Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas put to the Horn, and his landes ſpoyled. 391.29
  • Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas, proclaimed the kings Lieutenant. 391.41
  • Dovvglas VVil. Earle of Dovv|glas, for reuenge of priuate in|teries incurreth the kinges diſ|pleaſure. 391.64
  • Dovvglas VVil. Earle of Dovv|glas ſlaine. 392.57
  • Dovvglaſſes made open vvarre a|gaynſt the king. 392.61
  • Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas diſobeyeth the Kings cita|tion. 393.20
  • Dovvglas Iames marieth his bro|thers vviſe. 393
  • Dovvglas Iames dieth. 393.52
  • Dovvglaſdale giuen in ſpoyle too the kings ſouldiours. 393.83
  • Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas flieth into England. 394.16
  • Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas, inuadeth Scotland vvith a povver, and is diſcomfited. 394. 26
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde ſlaine. 394. 31
  • Dovvglas Hugh Earle of Ormont taken priſoner. 394.32
  • Dovvglas Hugh Earle of Ormont beheaded. 394.56
  • Dovvglaſſes puiſſaunce in Scot|land ſuſpected. 3 [...]5.7
  • Donald of the Iles reconciled too the king. 396.9
  • Donald of the Iles eftſoones re|belleth. 398.46
  • Donald of the Iles and his confe|derates fall frantike. 398.55
  • Donald of the Iles ſlaine. 398
  • Donald ſonne to the aforeſayde Lorde of the Iles, attainted by Parliament. 402.32
  • Donalde Lorde of the Iles after ſubmiſsion to the King reſtored. 402. 51
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus maryeth Margaret Qu mother of Scotland. 424.30
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus taketh a Concubine in ſtead of the Queene mother his vvife. 429.56
  • Dovvglas Gavvin Bishop of Dũ|kelde flieth into Englande, and there dieth. 431.30
  • Dovvglas Gavvin Bishop of Dũ|keld, his learning & his vvorks. 431. 32
  • Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus banished into Fraunce. 431. 44
  • Dovvgl [...]ſdale. 434.20
  • Dovvglas George attaynted of [...]reaſon. 440.11
  • Dovvglas Margaret. 461.8
  • Dovvglas George Knight, ſent home out of England into Scot+lande. 458.12
  • Doctor Ireland ſent Ambaſſadour into Scotland from the French King, to cauſe the Scottes too make vvarre agaynſt England. 403. 9
  • Doctour VVeſt ſent Ambaſſador into Scotland. 416.73
  • Dolorous mountaine vvhy ſo cal|led. 50.50
  • Dominicke firſt Authour of black friers. 285.52
  • Domitian Emperour of Rome. 46. 39
  • Domitian the Emperour enuieth the proſperous ſucceſſe of A|gricola in Brytaine. 56
  • Dounſtafage by vvhom buylded. 24. 10
  • Dounſtafage olde tyme called Berigonium. 14.16
  • Dounkeld hovv in olde time cal|led. 137.40
  • Doorus brother to Athirco flieth into Pictland. 74 51
  • Doorus vvriteth to certaine Scot|tish Lords, to moue them to re|bellion. 75.11
  • Dorſtolorgus K. of Pictes. 167.84
  • Dorſtolorgus murthered. 168.47
  • Dothan and Dorgall tvvinnes, ſonnes to Durſtus. 24.27
  • Dothans tvvo ſonnes cruelly mur|thered. 24.100
  • Doungarge, or Doungarde in Ire|lande taken. 197.26
  • Doubtfull battaile betvveene the Brytaines, and Scots, & Picts. 23. 71
  • Doubts that Henrie the eight king of England had concerning the conſummation of the maryage betvvixt the yong Queene of Scotlande, and prince Edvvard his ſonne. 459.67
  • Drommound Iohn knight. 248.25
  • Drommound Annabell, maried to king Robert the third. 248.25
  • Drommonde Annabell, vvife too king Robert dyeth. 368.7
  • Drommond Iohn traiterouſly ſlai|eth Patricke Graham Earle of Stratherne. 374.5
  • Drommonde Iohn taken and be|headed. 747.12
  • Drommond Alexander attaynted of treaſon. 440.13
  • Drovvnelovv ſands. 242.115
  • Druides ordeyned. 21.7
  • Druides office vvhat it vvas. 21.8
  • Druides hovve called in the olde Scottish tongue. 21.10
  • Druides place of abode. 21.12
  • Druides authoritie encreaſed. 21. 27
  • Druides religion caryed ouer in|to Fraunce. 21.44
  • Druides Temples and religiõ de|ſtroyed. 82.53
  • Drusken choſen king of Pictes 173. 32
  • Drusken and Kenneth common of peace in fight of both their armies. 175.60
  • Druskin ſlaine. 176.69
  • Druskins armour offred at Saint Colme. 177.5
  • Drunkenneſſe punished vvyth death. 187.23
  • Drumlanrig vanquished and put to flight. 472.16
  • Drumlanrig taken priſoner, and eſcapeth. 467.67
  • Dubline beſieged. 197.84
  • Dublin ſurrendred to the Scots. 108. 35
  • Dudley Andrevve, Captaine of Broughtie crag Caſtel. 472.31
  • Duetie a good ghoſtly father. 148. 52
  • Dutie of a prince in battel. 422.10
  • Duetie a good Prince. 23 36
  • Duetie of all men to defend their natiue Countrey. 432.92
  • Duffe ſonne to Malcolme, crovv|ned king of Scotland. 206.22
  • Duffe bevvitched. 206.72
  • Duffe falleth into diſpleaſure of his Nobilitie. 206.52
  • Duffe reſtored to his for her helth 207. 62
  • Duffe murthered in his bed. 208.55
  • Duffes maner of buryall 208.64
  • Duffes bodie taken vp and hono|rably buried. 210.25
  • Duffe Angus of Stratherne rebel|leth. 379.36
  • Duke of Albanye choſen, and by Parliament confirmed tutor to Iames the fifth, and to the realm of Scotland. 423.114
  • Duke of Albanye gouernour of Scotland cõming out of France arriueth in Scotland. 425.38
  • Duke of Albanye Gouernour of Scotland departeth into France 428. 29
  • Duke of Albanye Gouernour of Scotlande returneth into Scot|lande. 431.5
  • Duke of Albanie inuadeth Eng|lãd vvith a mightie armie. 432.19
  • Duke of Clarence ſlain in France. 374. 113
  • Dukes firſt created in Scotlande. 366. 5
  • Duke of Somerſet made Protec|tor to king Edvvarde the ſixth, 467.37. hee entreth Scotlande vvith an armie. 467.50
  • Dauid duke of Rothſaye appre|hended and committed to pry|ſon. 368.30
  • Duncane created King of Scot|lande. 239.5
  • Duncanes diſpoſition ouer gentle. 239. 21
  • Duncane and hys armye ouer|throvvne by the Danes. 242.15
  • Duncane ſtaine by Mackbeth. 244. 56
  • Duncane Malcolmes baſtarde ſon commeth into Scotlande vvyth an army to claime the crovvne. 259. 106
  • Duncane crovvned king of Scot|land. 260.1
  • Duncane decydeth iuſtice vvyth ſpeare and shield. 260.6
  • Duncane ſlain at Menteth 260 14
  • Dunfermeling Abbey ſpoyled. 439. 21
  • Dunfreis. 471.1. rifled and ſpoyled by the Englishmen 473.474.1
  • Dunbar vvhy ſo called. 177.115
  • Dumbe perſon shall not inherite his fathers patrin [...]onie. 181.33
  • Dunbar Partricke, vanquisheth a band of theeues in Mers. 253.45
  • Dunbar Patricke created Erle of March. 253.54
  • Dunbar George Earle of March, areſted and put in vvard. 381.67
  • Dunbar George Earle of March diſinherited of all his landes & liuings. 382.4
  • Dunbar George made Earle of Buchquhan. 382.14
  • Dunbar Gavvin made Bishop of Abirdene. 429.45
  • Dunbar Gavvin made Archebi|shop of Glaſgo, 431.10 [...]
  • Dundee vvhy ſo called. 278.99
  • Dundee ſpoyled and abandoned by the Englishmẽ. 476.77. for|tified by the Frenchmẽ 476.98
  • Dunglas fort defaced and razed. 480. 94
  • Dunbryton vvhy ſo named. 185.31
  • Dunbertane Caſtell reuolted frõ the Earle of Lennox. 462 84
  • Dunbritten Caſtell. 460.60
  • Dunfreis battaile fought by the Englishmen agaynſte the Scottes 473. 46
  • Dungar ſonne to Aydan ſlaine. 149. 90
  • Dundach in Ireland. 320.82
  • Dungesbie head in Cathnes, 32.24
  • Duncane beſieged by the Danes, in the Caſtell of Bortha. 242.38
  • Duncane king of Irelande. 198.4
  • Duncane Lieutenaunt of Athole. 215. 56
  • Durſtus ſlaine. 102 17
  • Duns Iohn a famous learned man flourisheth. 355 72
  • Durſtus ſucceedeth his father Fin|nanus in the Kingdome. 21.63
  • Durſtus giuen to banquetting and drunkenneſſe. 21.72
  • Durſtus forſaketh the company of his lavvfull vvife Agaſia. 21.8 [...]
  • Durſtus cauſeth his vvife too bee forced by vile perſons. 21.82
  • Durſtus deepe diſsimulation. 22.14
  • Durſtus periurie. 22.27
  • Durſtus committeth a foule mur|ther. 22.30
  • Durſtus beſieged. 22.46
  • Durſtus ſlaine. 22.52
  • Durſtus children flee into Ireland 22. 57
  • Durſtus tvvo ſonnes ſlaine. 24.39
  • Dutchmen arriue in Scotlande. 44. 16
  • Durſtus choſen king of the Pictes. 93. 81
  • Durſtus taken and brought priſo|ner to London. 93.9 [...]
  • Durſtus thirde of that name King of Pictes. 98.110
  • Duſſac Mounſieur a French cap|taine. 477.49
  • Duſdere tovvne b [...]rn [...]. 472.105

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