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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Before this,Ambaſſadors ſent into En|glande. in the beginning of the Winter this yeare, the Lords ſent the Earle of Morton and Glencarne, and the yong Lard of Leding|ton Secretarie, Ambaſſadors into England, to giue thankes to the Queenes Maieſtie of En|gland, for the aide whiche they had receyued of hir, to expulſe the Frenchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Murrey paſſed through En|glande into Fraunce.1561 He departed from Eden|burgh the eyghtenth of Marche, and in Aprill came to Vitrie, where he found the Queene.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The daye before, Maiſter Litſter officiall of Aberdene was come thither, who was ſent from the Earle of Huntley, and other the Lordes ſpi|rituall and temporall of the North partes: hee tooke ſhippe in the Rode of Abberdene, and lan|ding at Brule in Hollande, paſſed through the lowe Countreys in poſt till hee came to Paris, and from thẽce vnto Vitrie aforeſaid, where he knew to find the Queene.

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