Compare 1587 edition:
1 This Earle of Dowglas yet
was righte in|fortunate in moſt of his enterpriſes,
The Earle of Dowglas in|fortunate in battell. His ſurname Tinneman.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the battell of Hommyldoun he loſt one of his eyes, and at this battell of Shreweſburie he loſt one of his ſtones.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The olde Earle of Northumberland,The Earle of Northumber|land fled into Scotlande. hearing what euill ſucceſſe his ſonne and other his kinſ|men had founde in their rebellious enterpriſe at Shreweſbury, with one of his Nephewes (that was his ſonnes ſonne) and other of his friẽds and kinſmen withdrew into Scotland, where he was receyued by Henry Wardlaw biſhop of Sainte Androws, and lodged with him at his eaſe and in good ſuretie within his Caſtell of Sainte An|drows aforeſayde.