Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this time alſo the moſt parte of the North countrey of Scotland,The North partes of Scotland ſore diſquieted by two Clannes. was ſore diſquieted by two Clannes of th [...]ſe Iriſh Scots, cleyed Kateranes, whiche inhabite the hye lande countreys, the one named Clankayes, & the other Clanquhattanes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two being at deadly [...]ude,Wild Scots cleped Kate|ranes. robbed and waſted the countrey with continuall ſlaughter and reiſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length it was accorded betwixt ye parties, by the aduice of the Earles of Murray & Craw|fort, that thirtie perſons of the one Clan,A battell of thirtie againſt thirtie. ſhoulde fight before the King of Perth againſte thirtie o|ther of the other Clannes men with ſharp ſwords to the vtterance, without any kind of armoure or harneſſe in triall and deciſſion of the quarell, for the which the varyance betwixt them firſt roſe.