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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 365This Robert the ſeconde, though by reaſon of his great age,His happy ſucceſſe in warres. he wente not foorth into the warres him ſelfe, yet was there neuer Prince, afore hym that had more happie ſucceſſe by the conduit of his Captaynes whiche he ſente foorth as Lieute|naunts vnder him, for they neuer lightly returned home but with victory.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The conſtan|cie of King Roberte in word and promiſe.He was a Prince of ſuch cõſtancie in promiſe, that he ſeldome ſpake the worde which he perfor|med not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche an obſeruer he was alſo of iuſtice, that when ſo euer hee remoued from any place, hee would cauſe proclamation to be made,His vpright [...]tice. that if a|ny of his men or officers had taken vp any thing vnpayde for, the partie to whome the debte was due ſhould come in, and immediately he ſhoulde be ſatiſfy [...]d.

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