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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt ad|uancement of the Hepborns.In rewarde of which benefite the ſayd Earle gaue vnto this Hepborne certayn lands in Low|thian, whoſe poſteritie increaſed afterwardes in ſuch power of landes and ſurname,The Earles of Bothwell. that the ſame enioyed not only the Earledome of Bothwel, but was alſo deuided into ſundry braunches, and many Knightes thereof haue riſen of right wor|thy fame and eſtimation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battell of Otterborne was foughte on ſaint Oſwaldes day, which is the fifth of Auguſt, in the yeere .1388.


The Biſhop of Durham approcheth the Scottes with an armie.

The Biſhop of Durham was comming the day nexte following with a newe power to haue ayded the Percies, but hearing of the ouerthrowe, and beeing come within a little of the Scottiſhe camp, hee was enformed that the Scottes were as ready to defende, as hee was to aſſayle, and therevpon doubting the iſſue of his enterpriſe, if he ſhoulde giue battell, he turned backe to Newca|ſtell,He retireth. and ſuffered the Scottes to returne into their countrey without any further purſute.

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