Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Dowglas in this encoũter bare himſelfe ſo well,The Percy diſmounted beſide hys Horſe. that in the end he droue the Per|cy out of his ſaddle.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhmen yt ſtoode without the gates made to the reſkew, recouered him on foote, and brought him forthwith backe into the towne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Incontinẽtly herevpon,An aſſalt giuen to Newcaſtle. ye Earle of Dowglas cauſed the aſſault to be giuen, and filling the dit|ches with hay and fagottes, came with ladders to the walles: but the Engliſhmen ſo well defended them ſelues, that the Scottes were beaten backe not withoute greate loſſe and ſlaughter of theyr people.