Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevppon were two Armies aſſembled,Two armies of Scottiſh|men aſſem|bled. the one, wherein was a .xv. thouſande men, was cõ|mitted to the gouernaunce of the Earle of Fife, hauing with him the Earle of Menteith, Archẽ|bald Douglas Lord of Galloway, and Alexan|der Lindſay of Walcop.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other containing the like number of men, was appointed to the guiding of the Earles of Douglas and March, hauing with them Iames Lindſay Earle of Crawforde, Iohn Dunbar Earle of Murray, and the Lorde Hay the Cun|ſtable EEBO page image 362 of Scotlande, with diuers other of the no|bilitie.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two armies parting in ſunder at Ied|worth, the Earle of Fyfe with his people entred into Cumberlande by the weſt marches,Cumberland inuaded. and the Eales of Dowglas and March with theirs, en|tred on the other ſide into Northumberland,Northumber|land inuaded. paſ|ſing through the countrey ſpoyling and waſting the ſame, till as farre as Durham, and on the o|ther part, the Earle of Fife ſpared neyther fire nor [figure appears here on page 362] ſword, all the way as he paſſed.