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Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, they tooke threeſcore ſhippes whi|che they found in diuers hauens and creekes there on that coaſt, and fraughting .xv. of them with ſuch ſpoyle as they had gote, they brenned the re|ſidue, and then returning homewards, ſpoyled the Ile of Man by the way as they paſſed.The Ile of Man ſpoyled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after their returne home, the King of England ſent an Army into Scotlande, whyche did muche hurt in the Mers,Engliſhmen brenne in the Mers. in brenning and o|uerthrowing diuers towres and houſes. Kyng Robert being certifyed hereof, as then remayning in the North partes of Scotlande, aſſembled the Nobles of his Realme at Aberdene, and there by all their aduiſes it was concluded, that the whole puiſſance of the Realme ſhould be reiſed with all ſpede, to reuenge thoſe iniuries done by the Eng|liſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevppon were two Armies aſſembled,Two armies of Scottiſh|men aſſem|bled. the one, wherein was a .xv. thouſande men, was cõ|mitted to the gouernaunce of the Earle of Fife, hauing with him the Earle of Menteith, Archẽ|bald Douglas Lord of Galloway, and Alexan|der Lindſay of Walcop.

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