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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet after this the French men wiſhing to ac|compliſh ſome other enterpriſe, went to the weſt borders, where ioyning wyth Archymhalde Dowglas Lorde of Galloway,They inuade Cumberland. they paſſed o|uer Sulway ſandes, and ſo entring into Cum|berlande, did wonderfull muche hurte in that Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length they determined to laye ſiege vnto Carleil, but being called frõ thence, they returned into Scotland, and then (as ſome authors write) and not before, they laid ſiege vnto Rokſbourgh, and rayſed from thence within .viij. dayes after, by reaſon of the variance before alledged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Alhallowentide next enſuing, the French men returned into Fraunce,The French men returne into France. hauing endured no ſmall trauail and paynes ſith their firſt comming forth of their Countrey.

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