Compare 1587 edition: 1 They were payde theyr wages for one whole yeare aforehande, and had brought vitayles with them to ſerue them as long. They had brought alſo with them .400. hundred payre of white Cu|rets, foure hundred halfe lang ſwordes, and fiftie thouſande Frankes to to bee giuen among the Nobles of Scotlande, accordingly as king Ro|bert ſhould appoynt and thinke expedient.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Admirall and other the nobles of France, being thus come into Scotlande to make warres on the Engliſhe men, were highly feaſted by the king and Lordes of the Realme, as then preſent with him, and when the Erle of Dowglas was once come, by common conſent of them all there aſſembled togither in Counſell, it was ordey|ned that an army ſhould be rayſed with al ſpeed, that ioyning with theſe French men they might paſſe immediately into Englande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Fife ſonne to king Robert was appoynted to bee generall of this armie,The Earle of Fife. hauing with him the Earles of Dowglas, and Marche,An armie of Scottes and French men enter into England. Archymbald Dowglas Lord of Galloway, and diuerſe other of the Scottiſh nobilitie.