Compare 1587 edition: 1 As this Baron was come within a myle of Roxbourgh, he was takẽ by the Erle of March,The Baron of Grayſtocke taken. and brought to Dunbar with all his prouiſion.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 The king of England being
informed alſo of this miſhap, appoynted two armies, one by ſea,
An army by ſea and an o|ther by lande prepared a|gainſt the Scottes. The Duke of Lancaſter com|meth with an army to Eden|bourgh.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His nauie being as then arriued in the Forth, taryed behinde, and firſt burning the Abbay of Saint Colmes Inche, a number of the Souldi|diers with their Captaynes landed in Fife, and ſpoyled diuerſe townes and villages there: but in the ende, Thomas and Nicholas Erſkynnes be|ing brethren, Alexander Lindſey, and William Cunningham of Kylmauris,The Engliſh men diſcom|fited in Fife. ſet vpon them, and ſlue the moſt part of them, ſo that few in number eſcaped againe to their ſhips, being purſued hard to the water ſide.