Compare 1587 edition: 1 And not long after, William Dowglas fought with his enimies at the Cragings, where hauing not paſt a .xl. men in his companie,Sir Iohn Striueling diſcomfited. hee diſcomfited ſir Iohn Striueling, who had with him neare hande fiue hundred Engliſh men and Scottes, that tooke his part in the king of Eng|landes quarell.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of Hermitage wonne.In the yeare following, the ſame William Dowglas wanne the Caſtell of Hermitage, and ſlue all them that were found within it.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next after, he fought fiue times in one day with ſir Laurence Abernethy, princi|pall Captayne vnder the Ballyoll, and beeing put to the worſe at foure of thoſe tymes, at the fifth he vanquiſhed his enimyes,Sir Laurence Abernethy ta|ken priſoner. and tooke priſo|ner theyr Captaine the ſayde ſir Laurence, who was ſent to the Caſtell of Dunbryton, there to remaine in ſafe keeping for a time.