Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 345So that king Edwarde hearing of ſuch pro|ſperous ſucceſſe chauncing to his aduerſaries,Two armies ſent into Scotlande. ſent incontinently two captaynes with two ar|mies into Scotlande, to the ſupport of the Bal|lyoll.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Tail|bet, or rather Tailboys is ta|ken priſoner.William Tailbois a man of notable prowes hauing the conducte of the one of theſe armyes, was encountred by William Keith, and after the diſcomfiture of his people being taken priſo|ner, was kept in captiuitie til he payde two thou|ſand Markes for his raunſome.