Compare 1587 edition: 1 It may bee that Kyng Edward flewe ſome other man in thys ſorte, as the Scottes here doe write, but for the Earle of Cornwall that was brother to King Edward, & ſurnamed Iohn of Eltham bycauſe he was borne at Eltham,He dyed of a naturall infir|mitie, as by the Engliſhe wri|ters it appea|reth. it is nothing true that he was ſo made away, for hee dyed of a naturall infirmitie, as by our Engliſhe writers it manifeſtly appeareth. But nowe to proceede with the hiſtory as we finde it written.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Such things accompliſhed in Scotlande as before ye haue hearde,King Edwarde returneth into England. King Edward retourned into Englande, and lefte the Ballyoll behynde him with a great power of men at Perth.