Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Namure hauing yelded himſelf into the handes of the gouernours, was ryghte curteouſly vſed, the Erle of Murray not onely rendring vnto him all his goodes, but alſo gran|ting him licẽce to depart: and for his more ſure|tie, he went himſelfe in perſon with hym to the bordures, to ſee hym ſafe deliuered oute of all daungers.The Earle of Murray is ta|ken priſoner.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But by an ambuſhe that laye in awayte for the Erle of Murray, he was taken priſoner, and brought to king Edward.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Dauid Cumyn Erle of Athole,
hearing that the Erle of Murray one of the gouernours was thus taken, ſuppoſing
king Edwards parte to be muche aduaunced thereby, came ſtreightwayes vnto
The erle of Athole reuol|ting to the Bal+lyoll, is eftſo|nes eſtabliſhed
gouernour. The king of England re|turneth home taking the Ballyoll with him.