Compare 1587 edition: 1 But yet after he had layne there a long tyme, and ſawe it was not poſſible to wynne that for|treſſe, he was conſtrayned to reyſe his ſiege, and to goe his wayes, after he had loſt therat no ſmal number of his people. This ſiege of Loche Le|uyn chanced in the Lent ſeaſon in the yere .1335.1335.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare following, King Edward pre|pared an armie both by ſea and land to enter in|to Scotlande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſent by ſea .lxx. ſhips well and ſufficiently decked for the warres, to enter by the Forth:King Edward inuadeth Scot+lande both by ſea and lande. but by a ſore tempeſte many of thoſe veſſels periſhed betwixt Inchkieth and the north lande.