Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edwarde Ballyoll herevppon wente tho|rough all the boundes of Scotlande, placing garnyſons of Engliſhmen in moſte part of all the ſtrengthes and caſtels of the realme,Al the fortreſ|ſes of Scotlãd in the Balliols landes, fiue only except. for he had them al at his commandement, fiue of them onely excepted, whyche were kepte by ſuche Scottiſhmen, as woulde not renounce their al|legiance promiſed to king Dauid.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 For Dounbryton was kepte by Malcolme Flemmyng of Cummirnalde: Lochlevyn by Alane of Vepount: The Caſtell of Kyldrum|my by Chriſtine Bruce: And Vrquharte by Roberte Lawder: The uyle of Lowdoun, a ſtrong thyng of ſo ſmall a compaſſe, was in the keeping of one Iohn Thomſon.