Compare 1587 edition: 1 The gayning of this towne, put the Scottes in hope of more proſperitie to ſucceede.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And therevppon Iohn Randoll the Earle of Murrey, ſon to Earle Thomas late of famous memorie, and Archembald Douglas Lorde of Galloway, the brother of Iames Douglas late|ly ſlayne (as before is mentioned) in Spain with Symon Fraſeir and others, gathered a great ar|my, and came with the ſame againſt the Balli|oll, who beeing aduertiſed thereof, mette them in Annandale, where encountring togither after [figure appears here on page 336] cruell fight,The battell diſcomfited and our to fight in An|nandale. and great ſlaughter on both partes, at length Ballyols part was put to the worſt, ſo that he him ſelfe was glad to flee, hauing got an Horſe without a bridle, & reſted not till he came to Roxburgh or rather to Carleil, as Richarde Southwell hath.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this battel wer ſlayn Sir Henry Ballyol, a man of great valiancie, Sir Iohn Mowbray, EEBO page image 336 Walter Cumyn, and Richard Kyrkby: but A|lexander Bruce Erle of Carryke, and the lorde of Galloway were taken priſoners, and ſaued by the helpe of the Earle of Murray, for that they hadde ſubmitted them ſelues to the Balyoll but lately before.