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Compare 1587 edition: 1 At lengthe, hauing accompliſhed his charge in thoſe parties, with no leſſe fame and glorye, than princely magnificence, he toke the ſeas to haue returned home into Scotland,Iames Dou|glas cõmeth a land in Spayn. but by force of contrary wynds he was driuen on the coaſt of Spayne, landyng there vppon the bordures of Granado, where at the ſame tyme, he found the king of Aragone, readie to make warres againſt the Saraſins that inhabited in thoſe parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Douglas to make his manhod and pro|wes the more knowne in all partes where hee came, offered the king of Aragone, to ſerue vn|der hym in thoſe warres againſt the infidels, and ſo fought at ſundry times in his ſupport againſt the enimies with proſperous ſucceſſe, til at lẽgth hauing to much confidence in fortunes fauour, (whiche hathe broughte ſo manye noble men to their deaths) he waxed negligent, and toke ſmall regarde of daungers that myghte enſue, ſo that in the ende he was incloſed by an ambuſhe layde for him by the enimies,Iames Dou|glas ſlayne by the Saraſins in Spayne. and there ſlayn amongſt them with all ſuche as he had about him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was the ende of that noble Douglas, one of the moſt valiant knightes, that lyued in his days.How often Ia|mes Douglas had got the victorie. He had gotten the victorie .lvij. ſundry tymes in fight againſt the Engliſhmen, & .xiij. tymes againſte the Turkes, as it is written at length (ſayth Balentine) in Scoticronicon.

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