Compare 1587 edition: 1 All thoſe in the Scottiſh campe were relieued in good hope of greater ſucceſſe to followe in the whole enterpriſe by ſo happie a beginning.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh men paſſed little thereof,The Engliſh men determin to giue bat|taile. but yet for that the Scots ſhoulde not waxe proude, and take ouermuch courage thereby, they determined to giue them battaile the next morow.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 317King Robert with great diligence cauſed his people to prepare themſelues readie to receyue the enimies,King Robert prepareth to receyue the enemies by battaile. though he was nothing able to watche them in number, deuiſing which way hee might traine them into the ditches before prepared.