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[figure appears here on page 316]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The opinion of expert war|riours of king Robert.In deede there were diuerſe expert warriours amongſt the Engliſh men, that ſayde when they heard howe the Scottes were thus aſſembled to fight, that the victorie would not be had, except it were dearely bought: the wiſedome and man|hood of king Robert was knowen ſo wel amõgſt them, that they were aſſured he woulde not ieo|parde himſelfe in ſuch a caſe, but that he knew he had ſuch fellowes about him as woulde ſticke to their tackle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Trenches made by Scots to ouerthrow the Engliſhe men.Moreouer the Scottes by appoyntment of their king to the furtherance of his hardie enter|priſe, had caſte deepe pyttes and dytches in the place where it was iudged the battayles ſhoulde ioyne, and pitched ſharpe ſtakes within the ſame, and after couered them ouer ſlightly with greene turfes or ſoddes, in ſuch wiſe that a few footemen might paſſe ouer well ynough, but if any great number ſhoulde come preaſſing togither, or that any horſemen came therevpon, the ſoddes would ſhrinke and fall to the bottome of the trenches, with extreeme perill of the men and horſes, that were ſure to fall vpon the ſtakes ſet there for that purpoſe, or elſe to be ſo encloſed, that they ſhould not be well able to get out of thoſe pitfalles.

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