Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare Donalde of the Iles came with a great armie of Engliſh men and Scottes agaynſt King Robert,Donald of the Iles diſcomfi|ted by Edward Bruce. and was on the feaſt day of the Apoſtles Peter and Paule diſcomfited by Edward Bruce the kings brother, at the water of Deyr.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 At this battaile was a right
valiant knight EEBO page image 314 named Rowlande, ſlaine of the Engliſh
parte, with a great number of other aboute him, and Donalde himſelfe was taken
priſoner. Thus king Robert through fauour of proſperous for|tune, obteyning the
victorie in ſundrie conflicts, came with an armie into Argyle,
Argyle ſubdu|ed by King Robert. This was, An. 1 [...]09. as Iohn Maior hath.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next following king Edwarde came with an armie into Scotlande, where ioy|ning with an other armie of Scottes that were aſſembled readie to ayde him,King Edwarde commeth into Scotlande. Anno 1310. as ſhould [...]eme by [...]o. Ma. he paſſed through the countrey vnto Ranfrew, and at length with|out atchieuing any notable enterpriſe worthy the mentioning, he returned againe into England.