Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after this, the ſayde Edwarde of Carnaruane returned into Englande, and in the meane time Iohn Cumyn Erle of Buchquhane gathered a mightie armie, both of Scottes and Engliſh men to reſiſt agaynſt king Robert, that he might thereby declare his faythfull affection towardes the new Engliſh king.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 He truſted onely with
multitude of people to cauſe his enimies to giue place: But K. Robert though he
was holden with a ſore ſicknes at that time, yet he aſſembled a power, and
cauſed him|ſelfe in a Horſelitter to bee caried forth with the ſame agaynſt his
enimies, who abiding him at a ſtreyght, ſuppoſed it had bene an eaſie matter
for them to haue put him to flight: but it chaunced quite contrarie to their
expectation: for in the end the Cumyn with his whole armie was diſcom|fited,
and a great number of King Roberts ad|uerſaries ſlaine or taken.
Iohn Cumyn diſcomfited by king Robert at Enuerrour. 1308.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare Donalde of the Iles came with a great armie of Engliſh men and Scottes agaynſt King Robert,Donald of the Iles diſcomfi|ted by Edward Bruce. and was on the feaſt day of the Apoſtles Peter and Paule diſcomfited by Edward Bruce the kings brother, at the water of Deyr.