Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here, after he had remayned a certain ſpace,King Roberte purchaſeth ayde in the yles. he got ſupport of men, armour, and weapons, by meanes whereof taking newe courage, hee paſſed ouer into Carryke, and winning the ca|ſtell [figure appears here on page 312] there that belonged to his fathers inheri|taunce,He winneth the caſtell of Carryke. he ſlewe all the Engliſhemen, whiche hee founde within it, and beſtowed all the ſpoyle of money and goods gotten there amon|geſt his ſouldiers and men of warre.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His frendes that laye hidde in couerte and ſecrete corners, hearyng of theſe his dooings, beganne from eche ſyde to reſorte vnto hym,His power in|creaceth. by whoſe aſſiſtance ſhortely after he wan the ca|ſtell of Innerneſſe,Innerneſſe caſtell taken. and ſlew all them that were within there in garryſon.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 With the lyke felicitie he got the moſt part of all the Caſtels in the north,King Roberte commeth to Glenneske. raſing and bren|ning vp the ſame tyll hee came to Glenneſke, wher being aduertiſed that Iohn Cumyn with ſundry Engliſhemen and Scots were gathered againſte him, bicauſe hee was vppon a ſtrong groũd, he determined there to abide thẽ: but they being thereof infourmed, and wondryng at his manly courage, durſt not approche to giue him battaile, but ſent Ambaſſadors vnto him to haue truce for a time, vnder colour of ſome communi|cation EEBO page image 313 for a peace, till they might increaſe theyr power more ſtrongly agaynſt him: whiche be|ing done, they purſued him more fiercely than before.