Compare 1587 edition: 1 His wyfe the Queene fledde to Sainct Du|tho,King Roberts wyfe taken. and chaunced to be taken by William Cu|myn Earle of Ros, who delyuered hir to kyng Edward, by whoſe commaundemente, ſhe was cõmitted to ſafe keping at London, where ſhe re|mained til after the battayle of Bannockſborne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His brother Nigell was alſo taken, and ſo afterwardes were his two other brethren, Tho|mas and Alexãder,Nigell, Tho|mas and Alex|ander brethrẽ to king Ro+bert are taken and put to death. with many other nobles and gentlemen of Scotlande, of whome ſome were executed at Carleile, and ſome at Barwike.