Compare 1587 edition: 1 The meſſenger delyuered this writing in ſe|crete wyſe vnto king Edwarde, declaryng vn|to him the whole matter as it was paſſed and concluded betwixt the Bruce and his maiſter, ac|cordyng to inſtructions gyuen hym in ye behalf.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But king Edwarde at the firſt gaue lyghte credite eyther to the writings or wordes of the Cumyn, ſuppoſyng that the ſame proceded on|ly through enuie, whiche he bare towardes the Bruce, euer dreading leaſt he ſhoulde beare no rule in Scotland, if the Bruce once atteined any authoritie within the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length yet, king Edward pondering with himſelfe the whole circumſtance, and beeing in ſome doubte of the matter, he ſhewed the coun|terpane of the Indenture vnto Bruce himſelfe, [figure appears here on page 309] queſtionyng with him, if he knew his own hand.Robert Bruce is examined.