Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edwarde [...]meth to Barwike.When he was come thus vnto Barwik, and the foreſayd .xxiiij. learned lawyers aſſembled, as aſſiſtantes with him, and the parties appearing before him in a chamber prouided for ye purpoſe, he cauſed the doores to bee ſurely kepte,The purpoſe of king Ed|warde, as the Scots doe vn|terly reporte. and the entries ſtrongly warded, that no man myghte come in or out, but by his appointment & licẽce.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His purpoſe was to make hym king, that would be ſworne to holde the crowne of Scot|lande of him, as ſuperiour lorde therof.