Compare 1587 edition: 1 The mariage was celebrate at Iedburgh with greate feaſting and triumph: but that ioye and gladſome blythneſſe endured not long after.Ri. Southwel varieth ſome|what from the Scottiſh wri|ters in report of K. Alexan|ders death. See in Eng|lande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 For the ſame yeare on the .xviij. day of A|prill, as he was galloping vpon a fierce horſe at Kingorn, forcing him in his race ſomwhat raſh|ly, he was throwne ouer the weſt clife towards the Sea by a wonderfull miſfortune ſo rudely, that hee brake his necke, and ſo therewyth immediately dyed in the .xlij.35. H.B. yeare of hys raigne.