EEBO page image 296This yeare a number of the Scottiſh nobi|litie which had attended the Ladie Margaret in|to Norway, were loſt by ſhipwracke, as they would haue returned back againe into Scotland after the conſummation of hir maryage there with king Hanigo or Aquine.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after by force of deathes dreadfull dint, two grieuous loſſes chaunced vnto King Alexãder, the one following in ye neck of another.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The death of Alexander prince of Scot|lande.For firſt his eldeſt ſonne Prince Alexander be|ing not paſt .xx. yeres of age, departed out of this worlde, without leauing any iſſue behinde him: and not long after, his daughter Margaret Queene of Norway deceaſſed alſo,The death of Margaret Queene of Norway. leauing be|hinde hir one onely daughter (as before is men|tioned) being as yet but an infant.