Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lady immediately became ſo inamou|red of this yong Gentleman, that ſhee ledde him with hir home vnto Carrike,Robert Bruce maryed to Martha daugh|ter to the earle of Carrike. where without ma|king hir friendes priuy to the matter, ſhe maryed him in all haſt, leaſt any man ſhould be about to hynder hir determinate purpoſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this maryage was borne that Robert Bruce whiche afterwardes (through want of heyres of the lynage of King Alexander) attey|ned the Crowne of Scotlande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 K. Alexander diſpleaſed with the fore|ſayd Martha.As ſoone as King Alexander was aduertiſed hereof, he tooke ſuch indignation that ſhe ſhoulde beſtow hir ſelf ſo lightly vpon one whom ſhe ne|uer ſaw before, that he tooke hir Caſtel of Turn|berie into his own hands with al hir other lands and poſſeſſions, as it were by eſcheit, for that ſhee had maried without his conſent.