Compare 1587 edition: 1 In theſe dayes (as the tranſlator of Hector Boetius hath [...]orytten) that notable and moſte famous outlawe Robyn Hoode lyued,Robyn Hood and little Iohn his cõpanion. with his fellow little Iohn, of whom are many fables and mery ieaſtes deuiſed and ſung amongſt the vul|gar people.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Iohn Maior wryteth, that they liued as he doth geſſe, in the dayes of King Richarde, the firſt of that name, which raigned in England about the yeare of our Lord .1198.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next after that Henrie king of England had ſubdued his domeſticall enimyes, there came a Legate from Pope Clement the fourth,A Legate from Pope Clemẽt. requiring hym to haue a collection of mo|ney in Scotlande towardes the charges of leuy|ing an armye agaynſt the Sarafins: But thys Legate was not receyued into the Realme, but commaunded to ſhewe his meſſage vppon the borders.