Compare 1587 edition: 1 Acho with a bande of right hardie ſouldiers aſſayed ſundrie tymes to pierce and diſorder the battaile where king Alexander fought, notwith|ſtanding he had ſo great number of people there with him,The great nũ|ber of Scot|tiſh men. that he ſtuffed euer the ranks with freſh men where he ſaw it needfull.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo betwixt the wings, there was no leſſe crueltie ſhewed on eyther ſide in the beginning of the battaile, till at length the Norwegians per|ceyuing themſelues ouerpreſſed with multitude, and compaſſed in on euery ſide,The left wing of the Nor|wegians are put to flight. they ſomewhat beganne to ſhrinke, and fyrſt thoſe in the lefte wyng, conſtrayned to breake theyr order, fell to running away.
Compare 1587 edition:
2 Alexander Stewart therefore,
that had the leading of the right wing of the Scottes, hauing purſued the
enimies a certaine ſpace, and ſlaine Achos nephewe,Achoes
ne|phew is ſlaine. a man of high reputation and authoritie amongſt
the Norwegians, cauſed the retreate to be ſounded, and gathering his men
a|gaine into array, brought them agaynſt the eni|myes of the myddle warde,
where was hard hold betwixt the two kings, the battaile continuing with great ſlaughter on both partes, and vncer|taine
a long while to whether part the victorie would encline: but the Norwegians
being now aſſayled on the backes by a new power of theyr enimies,
The maine battaile of the Norwegians fleeth. The left wing of the Scots in daunger.