Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo ſayde, that in this ſeaſon a Monk of Melroſſe was admoniſhed in a dream,A part of the holy Croſſe founde. where he ſhoulde finde a part of the holy Croſſe, not farre from Peplis in Louthian, encloſed in a Caſe engrauen wyth the tytle of Saint Ni|cholas.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And not farre from the ſame, was lykewiſe founde a ſtone Cheſte, right cunningly wrought and engrauen, wherein were founde certaine bones wrapped in ſilk, but whoſe bones the ſame were, it was not knowne.