Compare 1587 edition: 1 From henceforth, King Alexander lyued not long, but falling into a ſore and grieuous ſickeneſſe within a certaine Ile called Carnere, not farre diſtant from the coaſt of Argyle, de|ceaſſed EEBO page image 287 in the ſame Ile ſhortly after,The death of K. Alexander the ſeconde .xxxvili. Io. M. but that can not be. in the . [...]j. yeare of his age the: xxxv. of his raigne, and of our redemption .1240.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 His bodie according as he had commaunded in his lyfe time, was buryed in Melros.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alex|ander. [figure appears here on page 287] AFter that Alexander the ſecõd was thus dead and buryed o [...] hys ſonne Alexan|der the thirde of that name,Alexander the third crowned. not paſſing ſix yeares of age, was proclay|med King.