Compare 1587 edition:
Iſabell the ſi|ſter of king Alexander maryed to the earle of
Norf|folke. Iane Queene of Scotlande deceaſſeth.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare next following, which was af|ter the incarnation,1239 1239. king Alexander (by|cauſe he had no ſucceſſion of his body begot ma|tyed at Rockeſbourgh the daughter of Ingel|ram, Lord of Coucie,K. Alexander marieth the daughter of the Lord of Coucie. a virgin of excellent beau|tie named Mary, on whom he got a ſonne na|med Alexander, which ſucceeded after his deceaſſe in the gouernment of the realme.