Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Cathnes, for that he neyther ſuccoured the Biſhoppe in time of neede, nor yet ſought to puniſh the offenders that did this cruel deed,The Earle of Cathnes loſeth his landes. was depriued of his Earledome, and whole landes belonging to the ſame.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope highly commended king Alex|ander for this puniſhment taken of them,King Alexan|der commen|ded of the Pope. that had ſo cruelly murthered their Biſhop.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this king Alexander comming vnto A|berdene, gaue many large gyftes and priuiledges therto,The priuiled|ges of Abyr|dene. although the ſame before this time en|ioyed ſundrie notable commodities and endow|ments giuen and confirmed by other kings hys predeceſſors.