Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this tyme alſo, the Queene, kyng William his wyfe deceaſſed.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 A daughter whiche he had by hir, named A|dhama,The earle of Laon. he gaue in maryage vnto the Earle of Laon: But he he himſelf after the deceaſe of this his fyrſt wyfe maryed Ermengard,Emengard. 1186. daughter to Richarde Vicount of Beaumount that was ſonne to a daughter of king William the con|querour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this mariage and aliance,The peace cõ|firmed with Englande. the peace was newly confirmed betwixte England and Scot|lande in ſuche wyſe, that neyther part might re|ceyue any rebelles to the other, by meanes wher|of Gilcriſt, that before was fled into England, was conſtreyned to returne into Scotland,The miſerable ſtate of Gil|criſt. diſ|guyſed in poore weede, with two of his ſonnes, & there paſſed foorth his lyfe a long tyme in great myſerie amongſt the woodes and in out places, vnknowne to any man what he was, by reaſon of his poore and ſimple habite.