Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame authour writeth, that after the ta|king of the king,W. Paruus. there roſe a mutinie amongeſt the Scottes: for where as the Iriſhe Scottes bare a naturall grudge agaynſte the Engliſhe Scottes, yet whyleſt the king was preſente a|mongſt them, they durſte not vtter their mali|cious intentions: but nowe that he was thus takẽ from them, ſo many of the Engliſh Scots as fell into the handes of the Iriſhe payd derely for the bargayne, beeyng cruelly murthered and ſlayne: ſo that the reſidue were conſtrayned to get them out of the waye into caſtelles and tow|res where they myght be receyued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe it is to be conſidered, that bicauſe there was no great ſlaughter made at the taking of king William, the warres notwithſtanding continued betwixt England and Scotland: for the two before ſpecified chiefetains Gilcriſt and Rouland ſtoutly withſtood the Engliſhmen,Gilcriſt and Rouland re|ſiſt the engliſh+men. & bet them backe as they enterpriſed to enter into Cumberland. At length a peace was taken du|ring the time that king William remayned in captiuitie vnder theſe cõditions that Northum|berland ſhoulde continue vnder the dominion of the Engliſhemen,Northumber|land vnder the Engliſhmen. and Cumberlande with the Erledome of Huntington to remayne as afore vnder the gouernance of the Scottiſhmen.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 Immediatly vpon the taking
of king Williã thus at Anwyke, his brother Dauid [...] of Huntington, thorough licence of king Henrye,Dauid
erle of Huntington. came into Scotlande to haue the gouernemente of
the realm til ye king his brother might be [...]| [...]ſed. So ſoone therfore as he had once [...]ſt [...]
[...] the realme in good quite and iuſtice, he [...] Ri|chard the biſhop of S. Andrewes with [...]rs o|ther noble men ouer into Normandy, to [...] or|der there with king Henry, for the [...] of the king his brother: whiche was a gr [...] in this maner. Firſt it was accorded,
The king of Scots doth fe|altie to the king of Eng|land for
Scot|lande. Rog. H [...] Math. Weſtm.